Friday, October 23, 2009
Oh Hell YEEAAA!!! It Was a BADASS BLAST...
I drank a Havana Blueberry Tropic Drink at one of the most gorgeous places here in these Islands... I found an awesome way to calculate the great things in life...
I've had a helluva lot of happy fun here too. I had a nervous breakdown once earlier this week. I guess it was legitimate because of what I was up against... But as all hard times come to pass, there was a great bright light at the end of that tunnel.
Things are pretty cool here. Sometimes it's a little different than what most would believe but Paradise is pretty cool at the edges on the islands...
The Palm tress are just as gorgeous as I always had imagined them...
I met the friend I came across on the night of September 23rd when i felt like I was skippin' dimensions. My buddy David from Columbia above Brazil and below the Caribbean. That night I met him the first time, it was the night I made my first Island Life Flashback video when I was at Sapphire Beach. That was two weeks after I could've got shot. Literally. It was a blast seeing him again... I Also met some friend I can post up with in London when I am to Return to Ireland someday as it makes itself possible sometime. I know when I do go to Ireland again, it'd be easy to return to Ireland because my Irish Parents always welcome my presence and who I bring with me too. And St. Daniel will take me anywhere I wish!!
Ireland is such a place that is laced with magic and adventure!
While St. Thomas is a place laced with fantasy and insanity.
And last night, I had some of the funnest times I ever had here. I also will meet the President soon. And people here are beginning there own blogs and books for their records and poetic expressions because of the many people who came to enjoy my example. Such a place to make a consistent amount of dreams seem true. It's all really welcoming.
There are days that I have that are bad or bummed out.
I had never believed in limits and it is because I have always believed the sky to be the limit because I have actually touched it. I also came from it at times.
My homesickness resided and I have bounced back from the nervous breakdown attack I had.
There have been several times I have cried in these islands. Some times were from sheer happiness. My mother has only cried once happy. I have cried happy about 9 times so far out of awesome and amazing happiness. Yet there were times I had cried out of confusion, uncertainty, stress (just pertaining to personal life errands and island realities most know nothing of). But for what I have lined up with my time, I will find out about a new level of luck and faith.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
A Horoscope... It Wasn't The Leo's though...
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
My Horoscope Was Dead On Today!! I Think I'm on the Next Page (Page)... Another Place and Record for all of Whatever..
I'ts been dead on practically every time I've read it recently. It is crazy how many things might be written in the Stars. I thought of friends back at home. I've been doing that a lot lately. This place is only gonna last so long before I am in another time zone, seasonal shock, and homely comfort. My Horoscope Said...
Now that interactive Mercury is moving direct again, information will begin to flow more freely. Mercury creates a friendly sextile with spontaneous Mars, encouraging us to express our thoughts. Following our intuition should have positive results as the Moon enters psychic Pisces...
"Someone can bring you an important lesson about forgiveness today."
This person doesn't know I found something today I've never came across. Some how it makes the beginning of this month make sense at the end of this month... It was called Forgiveness and the Art of letting go. Hmmm... I felt compelled to tell of the awesome things I've learned.
The things I have felt that has put me into an excitement that seems to glow so much that my people around love to laugh with me enough to feel how fun life really is. I've felt like myself for a while now and I have never been more happier before.
This season of Summer is extending when back at home, my peers, people, friends, and family are feeling the sign of the season. The transition into the next. I've already foreseen some excellent things. I've accomplished a lot and I've been ecstatic and thrilled so much lately. I wish I could tell my parents the half of it because it is a blast to actually hear from loved ones back at home for all the things I've made happen for me here. These stories are FOREVER!! :)
I've learned something about virtues of Gratitude, Sacrifice, Solitude, Clarity, Forgiveness, Discovery, Exploration, Fantasy, Fun, Expression... There is an Era of Reason that will rise from the Chaos. Anthony Keidis from the Red Hot Chili Peppers said, "Destruction Leads to a Very Rough Road but it Also Breeds Creation."
I've learned more about myself in the last 2 years than I ever have at all. I've learned more since my near-death experience than some people can learn in YEARS...
Identity and inspiration surfaced in an explosive way the days I went to Ireland and found out about my heritage, history, Legendre, Love (in a broad, luminous, universal way), empowerment, and patience.
I've been blown away with life lately. I don't know if all things would have occurred the same exact way if it wasn't for something that happened in the first couple months of this year. No one knows of that moment that woke me up to these possibilities now. It turns out, I've already realized how interesting, easy, entertaining, and interpersonal things can be when people are enjoying life the right ways. There is a lot to share, a lot to believe, a lot to recall, and a lot to be thankful for... I don't know who sees these cyber dairies at all but among the people here in college in the Virgin Islands... A lot of people acknowledge an honor in reading what I write. It kind of reminds me what Cassandra Wass was talkin' about some time last week.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
It's HAPPENING... I Had a Beautiful Day... But I Also Realized...
I had done something today that was OUT OF THIS WORLD. I'd love to describe that more so than what I'm about to. Some other things hit me today. Before that is known though, I meant to say that I had done the most Beautiful Underwater Explorations Ever. It was the only one I've actually got off shore for. We went on out first Boat Ride into the Bay away from St. Thomas and into further distances from Shore. We sailed to Flat Cay close to the Savanna. I also seen Puerto Rico in the Horizon. I was pretty pumped. We took our scuba gear and went deep water diving in the Caribbean. I wish I had a friend with me though from home because being underwater and seeing hair float as much as you feel constantly weightless and comfortable... I looked up to the water surface and it looked like a euphoric or luminous mercury with the way the Sun shined on and through the water. It reminded me of the song by breaking Benjamin called Water. I chased other scuba's air bubbles because it was cool to swing your fingers through huge air pockets under water. It was too amazing because I've never seen anything like it at all. I couldn't believe my eyes. I had a helluva blast. Then later that night, I found such a foreign sense of inspiration because I found out what is happening in our Country. I thought about people who I would want to be protective of when things break out in this land...
Everything I thought of as long ago as when I had told my parents in 2000. And now with what occurred in Pittsburgh, I felt how we ARE ALREADY THERE. It's 2009 and soon 2010 is gonna be near. I know where I'll be. I felt all my old premonitions come true today. It turns out, The New World Order is HAPPENING NOW.
I realized what is going on in our Nation, our Constitution is under attack. I called my parents. It was only 4 or 5 nights ago I called my sister in the middle of the night through my skype account because of how AFFECTED I was by a dream I had. It was a very scary, alerting dream of my parents. I will not tell of what I dreamed but it was very strong. I told my parents today what I dreamed and I also realized how the New World Order is happening right now. One of my Brothers back at home went to buy ammunition for whats escalating in our nation. EVERYBODY IS OUT. The government bought all gun ammunition so people will not be able to purchase what we are entitled to with the 2nd amendment. The American Police Force is forcing people to hand in their guns. Then creating 'Mass Media White Wash Reports' as if they are "helpful," and "practicing." There has been Detention Camps set up across this Nation. There has been devices that are placed in locations that dissolve electricity. Tap Water has been Poisoned. And the Federal Reserve is possibly on a hot-seat about being audited. I seen what Occurred in Pittsburgh... And as I had found out...
I immediately knew what I had to do. I have my ideas about what a lot of things are goin' to come down to soon enough. I will be home when I know I will and I instantly began to think of how unaware people are about what is leading up to 2012. Even now, This Super-Power... It is economically falling as it is becoming culturally chaotic. The intense World-Events began at what is emerging as of now.
On the Seventh of September, I went to Brewer's Bay here in St. Thomas. I told things in Video Diaries about hysteria and what is gonna happen. I guess what I mention to myself on an interpersonal event between me and a friend, it somehow seemed validated to me when I actually got plugged into the World again after being cut off from the one I knew not too long ago. I was never fearful about the things that are to come. I think people who know less are going to be the most surprised. Then what I heard Martin Luther King say will prove true when people find out their true character during the moments of hardships and trial rather than the moments of prestige and luxury. I am thrilled, and just as curious as I am excited because soon enough, people are going to need to be protected. The Strong Will Survive. I've thought of those who would be true enough to discover what will matter soon.
I called my cousin Heather Callaway through SKYPE and I talked to her for about 30 to 40 minutes. We seen eachother through the screen in real time. I was very entertained and I also told her of all the exciting things that are beyond me. She is the only one I've been able to get ahold of this way. I had so many funny stories and I've also became so enthused on all the things I've learned here. I really miss the ones I care about at home. I called my Dad and my Mother. I told Mama a buncha crazy things because I speak to my MUM like no one else IN THE WORLD.
And my Dad is hilarious. I talk to Joe too. I've felt like myself again for a helluva long time as of now. August was a rough month for me. I'm tryin to get back in touch with hella people back at home. And soon enough, it'll be easier after certain things happen. I'm very determined.
And of other things, the President of the Writer's Block wants me to help about creating a website for the Writer's Block Nights we run. It'll be a blast.
I also talked to my homeboy from Ashland: Tyler. He didn't have his girlfriend with him so we went Diving together in Scuba. I told him of some things I wouldn't tell others because he's actually from Southern Oregon. It was cool to be close with someone who already knew me.
And I am really missing St. Daniel over in Ireland too!! : )
Monday, September 28, 2009
Good Start : )
One of my homies said something that I couldn't help butt smile at. Slim was like, "Man, whats that hard-core shit you be listenin' to man?" I was like, "Man, it's just as melodic, emotional, and artistic as it is hard-core~ : ) You wanna hear it?"
"Nah, thats too hard-core for me man."
"It ain't that hard-core. (I was listening to Breath by Breaking Benjamin) Butt I tell you what, you'll hear it SOMEDAY homeboy!! I be buyin' some logictech speakers for my laptop and I blast that shit up!"
He's like, "Man, your hard-core Crum. You crazy maaan."
I just started shakin' my fists like a kid at Christmas cuz it was funny to me. I think it'd be an interesting idea to tally all the descriptions that people give of me here. To keep track of the things people say or see in me. A lot of the times it is a lot of the same words or adjectives just by different people at different times. A cool way to start the day. I've kinda been needing a good day for a while now too...
Then when I went to eat lunch. I was with my home boy Max, and my lady friends Kate and Jenna. I started to talk about certain things I probably shouldn't mention through the internet. Then I told them what the word 'Caribbean' actually means. They looked at me and was interested and attentive. Kate said, "Every time I'm with you I always learn something new."
I was like, "Whaaa? : ) What do you mean?"
Kate said, "Your just full of knowledge."
"Damn.... Thanks..."
Then me and Max talked about goin' and gettin blasted... Under the Gun. I'm pretty sure we're gonna...
Sunday, September 27, 2009
To Crum Bay / And My Horoscope For Tomorrow*
As I grabbed my IPOD, I just listened to one song repeatedly: Be Quite and Drive (By the Deftones). I thought about what a brother told me last night....
He said, "You're a hater-blocker."
"What does that mean?"
"Your a hater-blocker. I can tell that there is something about you that exerts an energy or presence that doesn't allow anyone in unless they are genuine people. You see through a lot of those that aren't worth being around."
"Wow man, thanks. I haven't heard someone tell me that before. I appreciate it a lot."
After I ate at the only place open at this time of night, it was a chinese restaurant I got sweet and sour shit at, I went to head back to campus where I live now. I stopped listening to that song on the way back... I put it on random. As I was heading home, I decided to walk to CRUM BAY for the first time by myself. However, I was lost. I was lost, I was sad, I was weary, I was uneasy, I was broken. I didn't know where to get any help from. It was night, there was a lack of street lights, and so I walked through darkness by myself and I meant to find this place that is of my own name. These were the songs my IPOD chose on it's own:
From Yesterday : 30 Second to Mars
Lightning Crashes : LIVE
As I was listening to Lightning Crashes, I couldn't help but let tears fall down my face as they came up out of my eyes. No one knew this though. I wasn't with anyone as I walking to and from CRUM BAY. All I had was my IPOD. I was a wreck. I missed my friend so much that I couldn't control how emotional I felt. So It continued to play songs such as...
The Noose : A Perfect Circle
Mr. Jones : Counting Crows
Then it played 'Broken' by Lifehouse. But I heard only a minute of it then I turned it off. I told myself, "I like the other Broken song by Seether and Amy Lee." Then my IPOD played :
Broken : Seether
Dance With You : LIVE
I usually don't listen to this song much but at that time, I did. I chose to listen to it for myself. I heard certain lyrics in it that I never knew of before. Somehow it hit close to home for me (as an individual). It reminded me of her and the sweet memories we made before I came to this place. The desire and my feelings for her were amplified because of that old saying: Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Then my IPOD played:
Unwell : Matchbox 20
Evidence : Marilyn Manson
Push : Matchbox 20
By this time I was home now. And as I am here, I am still very tired, down, soar, and discouraged. So I looked at my horoscope for tomorrow.
My Horoscope for September 28th, 2009
The Moon enters your 7th House of Partnerships for a two-day visit, shifting your attention from personal development to those closest to you. You truly want to be there for someone who needs you today, but simultaneously you may resent it that others don't assist you with the same level of commitment that you show for them. There's no need to compare yourself to anyone else; don't jump in to help unless it comes straight from your heart.
There was so much I wished to say. That she was the only person I had such tropical adventures in mind for. But after seeing her surrender and feeling her happiness, I knew I could be who I truly am around her and that is a blessing. So through my eyes, she became larger than life. And its ME that is who is HERE.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
It Was WYLD...
I went into a Sweet at the beach. I won't say which one~ Actually. It was Sapphire Beach :) And I met people who knew me though I never knew if I would see them again. It turned out his name was Josh. He was in my UVI NITE LIFE Part I video and I found out that people in Missouri and South Carolina were watchin' youtube and saw me and him in it. Josh was like, "Man, I thought you wanted to box me. I watched that and you look like you wanted to beat my ass." I was like , "Oh my God! Your the one who was in that Night Diary on the 14th huh?! That was a week after I was gone from Home." : )
"Yeah man, my family and friends back at home who haven't seen me in years saw that in the internet and they all said, 'He looked like he was gonna beat your ass,' and I watched it and man..."
I cut him off cause it all clicked, "Oh you mean when I looked left? Nah Man!! Hahaha, nah, I was just lookin' out and away cause I thought to myself, 'What this cat talkin' bout?' and man, I just needed a moment to myself, thats all. I'm a pacifist. I didn't mean to seem hostile if I did. Its all good."
And so as the night went on, I found a big badass bottle of RUM that was as tall as a Yard Statue. I came to find that I was really comfortable having met these people. I also met Stephanie. She was from Chicago and she was re-enacting a story that made me feel like I was skippin' dimensions. I ended up busting a bottle on the tile and I picked it up and sliced my hand pretty good. I bled all over the floor. The word of the night between me and Mera was, "Focus."
So I hear about a crazy description of Brazilian women. Then I go to Sapphire. My brother Mera noticed how bewildered I was from the coincidences.
I saw overviews of exotic street life and night lit bays on the other side of the water. It was cool, gorgeous, subtle, safe-haven safari. The cats trip me out though. Damn near ALL THE TIME. As the night went on, we were gonna go to the clubs but we headed up the mountain. We came across a more discreet bar above a lot of ground and this place was awesome. There was no food though and that bothered me. We got to the parking lot and I was very tuned already tellin' a buncha Irish stories to my brothers, the only ones I trust on this weird-ass island. Then one said to the other after I was talkin' for about 3/4 minutes... "Yeah, Johnny, you right man... You really were."
Johnny says, "Told ya. I told ya man."
"What are you guys right about? Did I come in that conversation at the last half?" I didn't know what was goin' on.
King Mera was like, "Last time we hung with you, he said you always rhyme when you talk and tell it like that. You don't even realize it either."
I replied like, "You know what, your not the only person who tells me that. I can't remember what I said but I wasn't payin' attention."
A lot of this shit was crazy to me. I was at the counter and just takin' it easy and some other Irish guy came up to me but I took space from him because he was about 2 notches too much for me at the time. He asked who I was and how I knew who I came there with.
"How do I know HIM? For good."
He asked where I'm from, Why I'm here, and What I do. He asked what my classes were. I told him I have 3 History Courses from Caribbean, to World Civilization, and Transatlantic Conquests. I told him I also have a Poetry and Literature Class. And that I'm a Certified Scuba Diver. As soon as I said 'Scuba Diver.' He said, "Yeah, Underwater Explorations." He asked who my instructor was. And I found out that My Scuba instructor has one of the Highest Regards for one of the best Marine Biology Programs in the World. And that I be 'barkin' up the right tree' by staying with him. Little did this drunk, amped-up Irish guy know, I actually run machines, machetes, and chainsaws for the person he was talkin' about. It was such a small world. I was the one tearin' up the Jungle of the person we were talkin' of. And this drunk Irish lad was from Shipwreck and he kept askin' me if I was the 'New Guy' because he heard about some of the videos, books, and other things I do I guess. Then he says, "Are you a small diver? A deep diver?"
I said, "A NEWER Diver. How are YOU diver?" He was kinda sweatin' me though. I guess me, him, and King Mera had a big group hug. There were pictures and spectators and I was just tryin' to relax.
It turns out, the owner of the Bar was giving free drinks. She took her resume to these Islands and was brought in to the restaurants here in St. Thomas. It's easy for beautiful women to acquire work like that at a place like this. Sometimes it is just unsafe, and unpredictable here.
I had one of the tightest, most wonderful and energetic nights of my life. I couldn't even think I'da been able imagine shit like this even when I had a more fictional imagination when I was a kid. This place is SUCH an adventure. And I'm IN.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Someone Met Me and Gave Me a New Name...
I said, "Crum, or Justin. Which ever one your more comfortable with."
"You look like a Caleb."
"A Caleb? What does that mean?"
"I don't know, it just sounds like a name you look like."
After this, I had wondered the meaning of the name. So I looked up what it was and it was originally Hebrew, and means "Rage Like a Dog." I thought that was fascinating.
Then later on, me and my room mate Nick went to the snack bar. Vernal, the Lunch Lady, she saw us both there and before we had a conversation that was kind of funny, I was already bustin' up laughin hard because before hand... I just went in to look at the food and someone who has never seen me for more than 5 seconds or minutes asked me out of no where, "Are you Irish?"
"Huh?" : ) "What makes you ask me that? Hahaha."
She seen me and believed I was Irish and she has never seen me before. I was like, "Ain't that Some Shit?" My room mate saw the whole thing. Then because I was chucklin'. Vernel asked us where we were from. Me and my room mate Nick described a lot of hilarious times. She said, "You both got beautiful eyes. Which one of you are naughty?" (She didn't mean it like that or in any implying way, it was more so asking about something like 'Edge' I guess. It was just informal and probably relative to party things.)
I looked at Nick. He looked at me. I said, "That one is me." And somehow, after a few moments, it was said that Nick snores. And nick was like, "I snore but HE yells."
I'm like, "Yeah, I talk humorous shit in my sleep sometimes."
Nick HAD to tell it true too so he did, "He sounds loud and very clear." Then he explained how I once started yelling about Giant Butterflies."
"Yeah, I had a dream about Giant Butterflies here once."
Nick started laughin' cuz it's true. Nick is a good kid and he is smart with science and pharmacy.
The whole Snack Bar night here was cool. I started laughin' and relaxin' when someone who never knew me asked if I was Irish. And that was BEFORE they saw the Cross of Scriptures Shirt on my Chest. I just took it as a coincidence or maybe something more. Then to hear this same thing about eyes that a lot of people put in my year books years ago... It was just crazy.
And to have someone else ask me my name and then say I look like a man with the name 'Caleb.' As I found out what that meant in the internet... That was kind of interesting.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
A Quest for a Certain book~
Huxley said, "There's only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self."
See, I found out that this book isn't about changing the world, it is about changing yourself FOR the world. Someone who wished to do so realized at one point or another, that changing yourself is more essential. I told my professors that sounds no different than what Gandi said when he encouraged people to, "Be the change they wish to see in the world."
I realized Huxley and Gandi mighta had something in common in a way. So I looked and seen the titles of the other books Huxley has wrote. I only noticed one of them I can remember like yesterday. It was the work before 'Brave New World.' Brave New World was what he became renown for. But the book that was previous to this was called, The Genuineness and the Goddess.' What a trip.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
And They Said...
My homeboy Joe, he is at Orlando right now. He went to see his girl for 10 days. Before he began his flights, he asked me if I'd be down to go to the beach. We sat in the sand and reminisced about a lot of things. The sand was white and hot. The sky was clear. He told me he was a few hours from flyin' to his girl. It turns out, his girl is gonna take him on a cruise for thanksgiving. I told him I was happy for him. He is probably gonna visit me at some point back in the west after all these Caribbean dreams take there course. I found it pretty life-enticing that him and his girl found a way to abandon the Real World for a bit and enjoy fantasy for a while. We were about ready to leave soon though after we were in the clouds. I wanted to swim. I went into the shore and couldn't stop opening my eyes to what I saw underneath the water. It is very mind-blowing how I can feel water that is just as hot as the air and that I can see beneath it all and watch a lot of Sun rays shine through the aqua. It is incredibly gorgeous.
Later that night, I went to the snack bar to get some coffee. The lunch lady who is a woman that assists the University for structured services, she saw me again and asked some subtle questions. She asked me what I study and what classes I have and if I am going to be here another semester or not. I told her that is what has been on my mind for a lot of reasons lately. And that it kinda plagues me. I told her I am studying three different History courses about the Caribbean and how these Virgin Islands came to be what they are today. She asked me of my major of course. I told her I do Video Production, Media, Music, and Internet Books. Mainly things that are pertaining to creative or expressive things because I have felt, learned, lived, and experienced a lot and to bring out what is within became very rewarding for me personally.
She said, "If you don't mind me asking, you seem very mature for your age. How old are you?"
"I'm 26. I just turned 26 a month ago. And it's been 5 months today since I had almost passed on after a near-death experience. What makes you say or ask that though?"
She said, "I have noticed you and you seem very calm and strong. And your a very great speaker. I kinda sensed that you were further ahead of your age and I noticed your beard and you appear older than your youth."
I thanked her because I have always appreciated it when people were honest or encouraging. I was humble in hearing such a thing but it made me feel good.
Later that night, I really felt myself start to change more because as I interact with so many new people, they ARE NOT LIKE the women at home. The actually are attentive and sincere instead of being fickle or distant or indifferent. I told Joe the same thing too. He said, "Yeah man, people in the States won't even look at you twice. They won't say hi or be consistent in greeting and seeing you. They just pass you by."
I was like, "Tell me about it man." : )
And Eustacia, my brother Ray's girlfriend, as I met her, she seemed very nice and sweet to me. She let her cell phone calls go so she could kick it for a bit and continue to listen to me because she seemed to enjoy doing so. She is a cool friend. It's nice to have someone to hang out with who is chill enough to not worry about silly things. She seen my tattoo as a lot of people have here and she asked me about it.
"It is a song and a symbol about being over-looked or disregarded I guess. The center is the song, the perimeter is the symbol. Do you want to hear what it is? I have my IPOD with me."
"Sure, that sounds cool."
I showed her this song and people here do not know who A Perfect Circle is and my type of music is unheard of which makes it really rare and interesting to them. She heard this song 3 Libras and thought is was amazing that I would put something like over my chest. I told her, "I guess I might have my reasons." This was under street lights and tropical trees close to the badass library here. I showed her other Perfect Circle songs like: Thinking of You, Magdelena, Pet, Weak and Powerless...
I was also explaining what they meant or were about and apparently it was pretty entertaining. The song Thinking of You is probably one of the most sexy songs I have ever heard but no one knows why. I do. : ) And the Magdelena song is actually about a Goddess Maynard found in a Strip Club.
I came to find that the meaning of Eustacia's name meant, "Fruitful." I thought that was cool.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
These Days...
Today I went and caught up with my professor Sekou at his office for the first time. I seen his library and told him about mine and it dawned on me that I can talk to professors and they learn just as much from me.. The Chakras, the ways the stars relate with what is carried out on Earth, the things people see and sense of me here, things of astrology, sociology... I found about about the Aztecs and Mayans and how the pyramids the Mayans made were just as related with the constellations as the Egyptians when they had made the pyramids along the Nile in correlation with how the Orions Belt reflects it next to the Milky Way. It was pretty cool. I told them about Stonehenge and Celtic Events over these recent 3 millenniums. Things of Legend, Magic, Ancient Animals... It was TIGHT. They all looked at me and enjoyed listening. Some times when I'm heard it is easy to see that I usually have a very gentle voice even though certain words seem strong, or serious.
I showed Sekou the relations with The Book of Revelations to what is happening in the world now. About the Statue of Liberty written in Revelations, about what was released to deceive the Nations (which has to do with these wars and worldly emergencies surfacing). I told him about the New World Order and how its attempt will make every one forced towards what a particular scripture talks about. It is crazy how the Last book in the Bible is the only book of the Bible that talks about the present point in time as well as the future. People don't realize that at times, that book is quite literally clear with some of what was written in the 1st to 5th century that is coming true NOW. The Book itself is written from a dream language but even still, some things are very easy to interpret if you would know how to. I told him about Zeitgeist and how I contradicted and challenged the person who gave involvements with the first section pertaining to Religion. That film literally had the world watching 70% of all internet views and it damn near got passed as an international holiday called "Z" day. Even though she was conducting seminars across this country, when it came to what the movie claimed about things that were astrological, I countered her lectures because I knew certain things to be true about Astrology that she failed to mention. I didn't like her misinforming these students just to strengthen what the movie claimed. Trying to use Astrology to denounce that Jesus wasn't even here when Astrology actually VALIDATES things because every 2000 years, an astrological era is the duration when a messiah is to surface again. But like C.S. Lewis said in Narnia, Aslan told Lucy, "Nothing happens the same way twice, my dear."
I also spoke of how certain questions in that powerful film that was across the globe were things I could've answered in the Auditorium. How certain books of the 1st and 5th century were hidden from humanity until 16 centuries later. After 1600 years, a great amount of the books that were excluded from the New and Old testament revealed themselves to humanity in 1945. She didn't like it at this lecture in the Meese auditorium when I was asking her questions she seemed baffled about. It was pretty interesting to see a world wide documentary success that I was countering because of what I knew.
After telling Sekou these things, I told him to watch End Game and Apacalypto. It turns out, he wants me to help him decide what way the last day here will play out. I gave him the ideas of what movies he would want the students to see. I guess I could speak of history forever. And the future forever. I could talk about Astrology, Tupac, Michael Collins, Ireland, Marilyn Manson, the way the Bible came to be, how God came and found me, how I found him a year later. I told him of things with Hilter and Machiavelli, Mayans, The Vatican, Alexandria where the world's largest library once was before it sank into an Ultimate Ocean and lost a lot of the Ancient World's Records.
Sekou kept smiled at me. I spoke to him about how I'm Native American and for that reason, I often see things in the Dream World that are accurate to what is... Subliminal with realities events. He sensed that I would really like Carl Jung. I told him, "Hell Yeah I do." I already knew who Carl Jung was regarding his psychology work that is specifically related to dreams. I told him things about Atlantis and how even though humans believe it to be a lost civilization, I knew of things, possibilities I guess, regarding how ancient records of that Surreal and Ideal Zeal might still be in tact within future years from here. And the Sphinx has a lot to do with it. Perhaps the tomb of the Sphinx holds answers we don't know yet and the world is about to reset itself.
Later in the Evening, I went to the Radio World in the Virgin Islands. It actually is RIGHT NEXT TO CRUM BAY!! :) It seems I became involved in a Writer's Block. I got brought to this V.I. Radio Station after the Open Mic Night here in St. Thomas. It seems that creativity and self-expression are values and talents that are exalted here. The man who ran the show with me and will continue to run future shows with me here out of the V.I. Radio World, he told me that it isn't only honored or appreciated here, but that poetry, creativity, and self-expression is NECESSARY. They thanked me for coming and I was having a blast and making they asses laugh. With my radio shows at home, it was an internet stream. This station and radio company actually has a really wide audience in live airwaves as well an internet streams. I remember some of the contributions I made...
"I'm in Ireland at them badass Castles,
Dispisin' Meatheads mistreatin' women like they assholes.
Living proof of what could come true since when I turned my tassels,
I am who I is cuz of all of what I have to hold."
"After Irish Castles, left baffled and then passed off as a myth /
It's unknown and it's at home with all the Celtic Irish gifts.
Got Guinness language as it came to this /
And then I made it clear.
I got whiskey if you with me, and the Celtic Beers."
"I live forever then I know it /
I record it then upload it.
In Mechanical Channels, I Felt my heart when it exploded.
Then my minds in a vice but its outside of the box /
Lost in the thoughts I'm locked in the paradox
They hangin' in the balance between the virtues of fear and love
Energies and intuitions to pray to whats above.
Paradise is priceless but it isn't what it seems /
People couldn't see the sick under-belly under TV screens.
There is evil anarchy in the islands, and fantasy in the air.
I oughta be commended if I acknowledge that I care."
The man runnin' the show with me was like, "Damn, that's divine. Yea MON."
And they had callers that called into the Station and went on the air with us. It was pretty badass.
"I spoke of how I lost my mind /
its down the center of my spine.
To tower over power at the ending of time.
And for as huge as a heart can be /
a tattoo scarred as a part of me
There is a lot worth seein' and even more worth believin'
I got lost in the magic as I had it last season."
And apparently some free spoken poetry words were called in from people listening on these islands. His name was SAMBA! : ) He started to serenade a lady that made him crazy. He got pretty descriptive and passionate about his restless affectionate sex letters so he spoke of some shit that was SO Scorpio. And it was Lion as hell as well. So It triggered me on behalf of the writing community to do descriptive intimate poetry too. I guess I talked about nurses and services and skirts and flirts. I dunno. It was fun, funny, and entertaining though. St. Thomas loved it.
I came to find that next day, that we actually drove by CRUM Bay that night we went right by it to the Radio Station. I had never known so but I am aware of where that Bay is at now. I'm going to see it soon. It was basically a Bay that was a Port for the POWER of what generates this Island. I think it is very ironic and symbolic that a CRUM BAY is what is the POWER SOURCE for the island here. HOW DOES THAT INTERPRET ITSELF IF ALL THIS WAS MEANT TO BE AS IT IS HAPPENIN'?
They took pictures for the Writer's Block of free expression and creative contributions. I never knew I would've been involved in the World of Radio through Writing Communities of Open Mic Night.
I got back to Campus and a lot of people heard about how I went on radio and asked me what it was like and how it was. I told them it was awesome and fun. It was a badass blast to speak over airwaves about a lot of what's going on with me. I guess one connection lead to the other and it was all at my lap just cuz I showed up and never got cold feet of what they believed with me.
It kind of reminded me of my ex in a way because even though she never knew it, she was the second person who told me that she believed in me. It meant so much to me because the only other person to tell me the same exact thing was a beautiful orphan friend of mine that died young in a cruel world. Joel. As she passed on, I was 18 years old and before she died, she gave me a gift for my birthday that was a cat looking into a mirror and seeing a Lion. It held a vital lifelong message I'll always keep with me, "What Matters Most Is How You See Yourself." She gave me that, died, and told me she believed in me before she went to the other side. My ex was the second and only other person to ever say the same thing she did.
But now that I'm here and everyday is epic, laughter, constant curious interests that seem to be aimed at me from these people... Now it is THEM that are encouraging me in a way that acknowledges positive beliefs OF me... Or IN me... It was inspiring. Especially from the right people. Then before night came to an end, I was kicking it with three of my friends. One was a homeboy here in my resident sweet, another was the other buddy that has had that hardest laugh attacks at me. They think I'm the most hilarious and lively man they met yet. I started to speak of Tupac, and what I think of most other rap.
And after all of what I knew about 2Pac and how he visited me a few times, Rasheed like, "Damn Crum, you should give lectures about Tupac man. How old are you? And how you know so much shit?"
It was cool because St. Daniel in Ireland said some of the same things only a little more than a month ago.
I uploaded my newest youtube video and it gave a text credit to what I learned from King Mera, "Everything Happens for a Reason. Everything has it's time. Everything goes as it should and all things will be of their time and place."
I was basically living another life to to discover the ideal place for a futuristic honeymoon with someone who reminds me of these erotic tropic islands. Beautiful Virgo. I put that caption king Mera told me in the video that is meant show what it means to be here. I thought it was crazy for Mera to say such a thing at a place where there were pirates and Dr. Suess characters. The island Anarchy and hardship regarding lack of economy or job markets forces people to do weird things for money here. I almost had to handle something painful or possibly fatal. No one at home knows this though... Danger could be a rush sometimes.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Island Hoppin ~ Introspective Reflection ~ Writing & Radio
Not always though
But as usual, I got to Trunk Bay at St. John. It was the most beautiful thing I ever saw in my life. There were only figurative moments, places, or even people that reminded me of something so rare in a really crazy world. This place seemed like fiction but I was always prone to things like that anyhow. I felt what is was like to reward myself, for myself, BY myself. I really had a moment here. It was several hours in a day that is already behind me, but I really felt a helluva within myself. Maybe about some of the things I thought I might’ve deserved long ago in my own way. And how at times like now, I was old enough in my education to realize that I wasn’t rushing through something before I had the time to figure out how to get the most of it. It was very incredible to me even though I was by myself. But I had her in mind the entire time I was there. Spiritually, there was someone walkin' right besides me on this beach. They were concentrated daydreams that seemed real to me. She was smiling and wearing short shorts with sarong wrapped around her waste. Like 'Run to the Water.' I didn’t really have a worry in the world at that moment because all things before then vanished for the time being. I just reflected on my own energies, wishes, and ambitions. I considered some things that pertain to a time and place later in life. And I was plagued by an imagination that was carried into beautiful realms that’s just a little too good to be true right now. I really realized that I came here from having challenges in life..
I only honestly have cried happy about four or five times in my life. The first time was when I found a Supreme Being a year after he found me (The Lord). My mother held me when I cried after I saw certain things in the sky. I was so happy that bliss just came up out of my eyes. That night, I burned my dark past. I realized a lot then. The other four times were within these recent 4 months. A few times in Ireland. A few times here. I just had a lot occur all at once and it took me for a roller coaster ride for many things. There was excitement, sadness, revelation, delirium, laughter, magic. It was all beyond what is heard of. While I was here in St. John at Trunk Bay, I enjoyed being carried away in my own visions. They were interesting to me.
When I got to UVI. Someone from the Open Mic Night asked me to come to the Poetry Reading within the people here of UVI. It was a blast. I found a lot of intuitive, sincere writings deep in my VAIO from when I was 21 or 22. It was mainly regarding good-hearted things that pertain to sensitivity and respect. Things of wishful thoughts and lost crushes. People told me they really appreciated hearing those writings.
I had also found a writing about an epic autobiographical dream I had in Alaska in 2006. The white Lion and the Giant Eagle.
Then after this happened, I was told to meet some people who know some people because it is quite likely that I might be in radio here in the Virgin Islands soon. That would be a blast.
Endless Wonder, Infinite Energy, Limitless Fantasy, & Constant Happiness
Then after we all had food and water. He took my hand and asked if I was coming to the Virgo Party. I said, “The VIRGO Party?! Huh?!”
“Yeah, the Virgo Party. Are YOU a Virgo?!”
I said, “Nah… It is my rising sign though.”
“Well I got you and your gonna get home safe. You won’t have to buy a single drink…”
So I went to the Virgo Party at Redhook. I drank Jameson and just observed everything. I made it a point to get to this event just so I could say I went.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
Open Mic Night @ St. Thomas! Mercury, Self-Expression, & The Constellation
"Our mission... to provide a free and welcoming space, both physically and figuratively, on St. Thomas for the sharing of music, creative writing, and visual and performance art."
~from the Rock Collective Mission Statement
I spoke some things and created record of that open mic night with the only instrumental I have made in my multimedia class last fall. I just began to speak of the top of my head. I remember some of what I said and I’m certain I’m not going to put it in you tube. They all were really receptive to me and interacted in encouragement. It felt good maan : )
I had mentioned how pain ain’t a thang but my emotions went berserk / Havin’ too much crazy fun with the machines when I’m at work.
I had mentioned how Mercury was taking it’s orbit and astrologically, it meant strong curiosities. I told them what it was like living under glass. How female fairy tales felt. I told them of how I held my head to the sky and made my life more than millions all because I tried. I explained fighting demons of doubt because it ain’t some shit I can shake if it ain’t nothing I’ve ever been about. I had mentioned how I purged everything honest in Saint Thomas. I had mentioned existing in machine screens. And I project what I do in youtube because it reflects some of the things I knew. I had explained how I’d swim with the dolphins and then be in awe again because when I was 23, I never knew how much woulda became possible for me. Because their isn’t another other person out there at all who had the same things happen the same way they have for me, since I had almost died (What I had felt throughout my international travels). I had mentioned things I am afraid of that I’ll have to face; Things within weird eerie unsafe surroundings, things I have to decide, things I contemplate late at night. I had spoke of how a man needs the transition of each season for reasons that keep a man’s head healthy. And that going from summer to winter seems insane a season ahead of time and I’m no where near there. I had spoke in all truthfulness regarding being self-made and experienced, that some things can eat you up or beat you down. And that sometimes nothing comes easy. I guess I also spoke of thoughts beyond the box. Some things were excited, somber, sweet, hurtful, sincere, sudden. With a psychology like mine, I acknowledged how my mind felt like it mighta been in a vice for a lot of what’s gone on in life. But that the blissfulness outweighed things that made me pissed. I had spoke of the Age of Aquarius and how things seemed like mechanical channels. And that I wondered what Keiko musta felt like when he got removed from his pod for all the Free Willy shit. And how it also might have been like the Figure in Ishmael. I talked about how I was in Ireland which was mathematically a third of the world away because there are 24 time zones ( or hours) and I was 8 time zones away from home which meant that I was a third of Earth’s time further ahead of home. I had also spoke of my cardinal fire sign and how the polar opposite part of the year was the 2nd month of the year (February) and how the substance of the two richest seasons (bein’ winter and summer) give reasons too great to take shape yet.
All these people were pretty cool in their approaches to me there after. They told me they thought I had a very strong voice and a true thought process. They asked me to keep coming…These words are what brought me into the Virgin Islands Radio Station across from Krum Bay in St. Thomas:
"May God be my guidance so I fight this demon known as doubt. Its something I cannot shake its somethin' I ain't been about. And of what off the top of my head... To be honest within St. Thomas I'd exalt a Goddess. In all honesty if I wanting to be something of a reality inside a internet screen... For things that were projected through youtube because I do what I do... I love to make what I create because it reflects the things I knew. I'd swim with the dolphins in the tropic and exotic islands... It had been a desire of mine since when I was in the University tryin'. 26 years old when I was 23 I could see that certain things would become possible for me. I broke my back. Got my gut cut open and stapled shut. 4 and half months ago I almost f*****' died... But Now I'm livin' life and it can't get better. I wrote a significant girl a buncha worthless-ass letters."
Later after we got home, it wasn’t too long after 9 that I came across a really cool crew of us UVI guys and we all went to the beach for a social session. I was in awe as I saw certain night life under these tropical street lights. I was bewildered and fascinated more so than I ever have been. Things seemed very new and true even though the only people who know so are the people who see me through you tube. I realized I’ve learned more in the last half-year than I have perhaps ever in my life. I guess because all my years are starting to take perspective now. And somehow, I survived things that would make most people cringe. I made my chances in life very absolute. I took certain things and put them in my palm. And I also somehow became more amplified in my humor and experience.
After rendering thoughts like this, something happened that I have never seen in my life. Something symbolic. I saw the Leo constellation for the first time in the tropical night sky. I thought that was crazy. I never saw it back at home. It was like certain moments I’ve seen in some of the most powerful, deep, meaningful movies I’ve watched. I was the only one who was seeing this as I knew what it meant to me.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Good Night. 11:58 P. M. 8:58 P. M. at HOME... I Found Something Here...
I Found The Most Out-Of-This-World Message Today. I Never Meant To discover This... It Just Happened...
11:50 P. M.
Do you know when you're having fun, when you're joyful, when you're appreciating yourself and your life, you are - at that moment - fully aligned with your higher self? You are fully aligned with, and in tune with, the wiser, powerful part of you who exists eternally in the realms of spirit. That wise, loving, powerful part of you lives in a continual state of bliss and joy. And when you are fully aligned with it, through your human joy, you will find your life becoming so easy and effortless. And you'll wonder why you ever bothered to live any other way. We used the word "bothered" just now. It truly is a bother to live your lives joylessly, with struggle and suffering. But it's become such a seemingly "normal" way of life, and you think that's the way it's supposed to be. Nothing could be farther from the truth!
You've become so accustomed to life being difficult, you forget it can also be easy. In fact, it's supposed to be easy! If you're finding yourself struggling with any aspect of your life, know this: You've really had to work at getting to where you are today – to getting to the struggling and suffering. You've probably had to work hard at it. With a fraction of that effort, you can make your life as easy tomorrow as it was hard today.
Well-being is your natural state. Struggle and suffering are not your natural state. It is always easier to create your life, your reality, when you are aligned with your natural state, the state of well-being. You did not come to earth to suffer through long years of struggle. You came here to play, to create, to love passionately, to live joyously. In short - to have fun! And then when you're done with this lifetime, you move on to another passionately joyful adventure. You'll never get it done, friends. You live forever. What you call "death" is not the end, only a new beginning.
However, many of you consider death the end. And that's okay. But ask yourself this question every morning, even before you get your body out of bed: What would I do today if I knew this was my last day on earth? Then answer the question honestly. And then begin to live every day as it if was your last. Live it freely, joyfully, passionately. Live like you were dying. (Chief Joseph through John Cali) -
11:49 P. M.
Allow yourselves every day to find something to be grateful for. A grateful heart is a heart full of greatness, dear ones. We laugh at your wording. A grateful heart realizes that you live in an abundant universe and if you can give thanks for even the smallest pleasures you will be blessed with so many more. A grateful heart knows that God will take care of you when you don't know how, that you can find inner joy in tumultuous times, and that love is a condition generated from within and that peace is not dependent upon outer circumstances. A grateful heart can find a miracle with each breath you breathe. A grateful heart can find beauty in the flower growing through the cracks in the concrete. A grateful heart can bless the tougher lessons and release them, indulge in the joy of the easy lessons, and wish the best for all around you.
Gratitude, dear ones, is truth. Look back upon your lives in this season of giving thanks and bless both the joyful times and the tough ones, for they have created you to be the light workers that you are today. Give thanks for both the most difficult person in your life and what you have learned from them (strength, patience, compassion, self-love) and the most supportive person. Write a note to someone you appreciate or simply thank a clerk that assists you kindly as you go about your day. Give thanks for your courage in being here upon planet earth and being willing to walk in truth. We, the angels, are grateful to be in partnership with you as we continue to explore and expand the love in your world. There is always something to be grateful for dear ones. Find that, and your joy will expand. (The Angels through Ann Albers) -
Whenever we perceive we're not receiving something it's usually because we're failing to appreciate what we already have and blocking the natural flow of abundance. Thus, the most common way to keep a trickle from being a torrent, is to not appreciate what we currently have. (Laura V. Hyde) -
The most basic and yet profound blessings, such as the food we eat and the water we drink, are often not even recognized - let alone acknowledged or appreciated. As we rush about, meals are often eaten mindlessly without a thought, let alone a ceremony of appreciation. No matter what your religion, taking a moment to 'give thanks' will help foster appreciation and gratitude. (Patti Teel) -
11: 48 P. M.
You can feel your own brightness increasing, your own sense of joy growing larger as you speak words of encouragement. (Orin through Sanaya Roman - From the book, Personal Power through Awareness) -
The end of the harvest season brings to mind the art of appreciation. Offering thanks to a higher power and being appreciative of gifts bestowed to us by nature is an important activity. Every culture on the planet has some sort of thanksgiving ritual that has been passed down from generation to generation. The art of appreciation is one that can bring a feeling of light and love into one's life. I make it a daily practice to look around and notice all of the things that I am grateful for. Good friends, loving family, good health and the beauty of nature are just a few of the things that I appreciate each and every day. (Karen Stokes, RN)
Appreciating all that we have in our life produces harmonious relationships, creative and meaningful work, physical wellness, and genuine, long lasting prosperity. Appreciation validates our worth while affirming we are deserving of having everything our heart desires. And as we relish all the wonderful aspects of our life, more abundance is allowed to pour forth, creating a consistent wellspring of balance, joy and peace. (Laura V. Hyde) -
11:47 P. M.
If you were asked to make a list of things for which you are grateful, how long would this list be - 20 items, 100, 500? Most likely you would include your health, your mind's ability to function well, family, friends, and freedom. But would it include the basics, like a safe place to sleep, clean air and water, food, and medicine? What about for Earth itself, blue skies, a child's laughter, a warm touch, the smell of spring, the tang of salt, the sweetness of sugar, or that morning cup of coffee?
The making of such a list is not meant to make you feel indebted but is intended to clarify your understanding of how life really is. It is a reflective meditation that uses mindfulness to carry you beyond the superficial to a deeper experience of your life unfolding moment by moment. You learn to throw off the blinders of habitual assumptions that prevent you from perceiving the miracle of life.
The next step in gratitude practice is to actively notice things you are grateful for throughout your regular day. For instance, when you're stuck in traffic and it's making you late and irritated, you notice you can be thankful you have transportation and that other drivers are abiding by the agreed-upon driving rules, which prevent chaos and unsafe conditions. In other words, there is a level of well-being and community cooperation that is supporting you even in the midst of your bad day. And you do this not just once or twice, but a hundred times each day. You do so not to get out of a bad mood or to be a nicer person, but with the intention of clearly seeing the true situation of your life. Traffic remains frustrating, but the inner experience of how your life is unfolding begins to shift. Slowly you become clearer about what really matters to you, and there is more ease in your daily experience.
You might ask yourself about your "gratitude ratio." Do you experience the good things in your life in true proportion to the bad things? Or do the bad things receive a disproportionate amount of your attention, such that you have a distorted sense of your life? It can be shocking to examine your life this way because you may begin to realize how you are being defined by an endless series of emotional reactions, many of which are based on relatively unimportant, temporary desires. When you look at how much griping you do versus how much gratitude you feel, you realize how far off your emotional response is from your real situation. The purpose of this inquiry is not to judge yourself but rather to motivate yourself to find a truer perspective. Why would you want to go around with a distorted view of your life, particularly when it makes you miserable? (Phillip Moffitt) -
The trick is loving what you are doing, with all your heart and all your soul, and I promise you God will take care of the rest. The universe supports action. Let your actions be motivated by love. You have the right to do what you love doing. That is why you love it. God intended for you to love it because that is how you are meant to serve. Suffering in a dead end job or relationship or home is not necessary. It is your conditioned belief in pain and suffering that holds you there. That is all. That is the very bottom line. (Lord Kuthumi through Michelle Eloff) -
11:45 ~ P. M.
Learn to see everything in its true perspective. Often you are too close to a situation to see it clearly, or you are inclined to take it for granted. Take nothing for granted. Stand back every now and again so you can see things clearly & never fail to give thanks for what you behold. (Eileen Caddy)
We are no longer small, emotionally reactive human beings with problems and issues to solve. Instead we are becoming creational source beings who share a dance with Life, who seek the very best in ourselves and others, who invent new reality by loving it passionately and powerfully into being. (Source) -
11:45 ~ P. M.
Some of you go on day after day doing the same thing and failing to appreciate the wonderful work that is being done here in this Centre of Light. I tell you, too much is taken for granted, especially by those who are close to the work. You can become oblivious to the vibrations which are being raised all the time, and forget you are in a rarified atmosphere. Then all you can see is the amount of work that has to be done - and you even wonder what it is all about.
Learn to see everything in its true perspective. Often you are too close to a situation to see it clearly, or you are inclined to take it for granted. Take nothing for granted. Stand back every now and again so you can see things clearly & never fail to give thanks for what you behold. (Eileen Caddy) -
We are no longer small, emotionally reactive human beings with problems and issues to solve. Instead we are becoming creational source beings who share a dance with Life, who seek the very best in ourselves and others, who invent new reality by loving it passionately and powerfully into being. (Source) -